On A Good Friday

ON A GOOD FRIDAY in which it seems there is more darkness than light in the world, with a horrific war, a lingering pandemic, and toxic politics amplified by ignorance and stupidity, it can be hard to think of hope. Light. Resurrection.

Yet history and Nature and personal experience tell us it is always possible. Even probable. That within darkness we are more able to discern the light, as in this photo from our little island, up north. It is now—still—snow and ice-bound on that cherished spot. But spring is coming, and it will arrive. The darkness of these shores will make way for morning light. Just as the darkness within a mind and a soul battered by anxiety and Bad News can find a way to welcome light once more. It has happened to me before. It has happened to countless others. It has happened in our nation and in our world.

But that light is primarily within us, and we must choose to believe in it, and do the brave work of tending it and releasing it. And also nurturing it in others, whenever we have the chance. As has been said, it is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.

Here’s to Spring, whenever it finally comes. And to hope, and to light. To the beauty that is always to be found within Life, no matter its challenges and hardships. Happy Easter, everyone.

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