An Exciting Day in the Pine Point Woods
IT IS A VERY BIG AND EXCITING DAY IN THE PINE POINT WOODS. This morning much screeching and caterwauling came from the eagles’ nest about 150 feet from the cabin. Suddenly a very large and very brown eagle came flying through the trees and over the yard—our first fledgling. The other sibling remained in the home tree—which we can no longer see in the dense summer woods—still screeching. It must be terrifying to leave the nest for the very first time and trust your wings. We know that Sibling 1 has been ‘encouraging’ Sibling 2. Not gently, exactly, but with much excitement and, perhaps, frustration. “You can do it! Come on, be an eagle, not a chicken!” We expect to see two youngsters soaring over the river soon, learning to catch a fish, how to land gracefully in a pine. How to be an eagle.