A Surprising Leaf…

This is a mulberry leaf, from our “golden surprise” tree, the last one holding its leaves in the forest.

The Surprising Tree

In mid-November, after all the trees in the woods have dropped their leaves, we see a golden glow from deep in the woods. Pushing through brush and dead falls to investigate, we find a surprise. Standing among the pines, alight in the morning sun, is a tree from our childhood, a tree we have never noticed in our woods before.

Canoe Restoration

Last week I finished restoration on my old friend the Bluebird, my blue Old Town Columbia canoe. This week was the turn of my even older friend, the Pistachio Princess, pal and partner through so many of my guiding years. She’s a Mad River, mist-green, wood -trimmed Explorer, sturdy and strong and an all around beauty – featured in my

Stories from the Guided Motorcycle Tour of Minnesota

Douglas Wood writes about the Naturalist’s Scenic Motorcycle Tour of Minnesota that took him through tall pines. / Photo courtesy of Douglas Wood Written by  Douglas Wood I’ve loved the feeling since I was a little boy, hanging my head out the back window of my granddad’s sedan on a country road, smelling sweet clover and fresh-cut hay, hearing just

New Adventures in Blogging

Happy Sunday. We’re starting a new adventure – again! We’re going to try blogging. Let us know how it goes!

How I Write

Hi gang, Welcome to the very first “Wood’s Lore” Blog. In it I will try to stay connected with readers and friends on themes that are significant to me, and that I think you might be interested in as well. Let’s start with an “easy” one: How I Write. I write with a pen on a yellow tablet. Longhand. I