Autumn in Full Swing
HERE AT THE CHURCH O’ THE PINES, Autumn is in full swing. The old Deacon pines are dropping their needles, carpeting the earth with gold. An azure blue sky is reflected in the Father of Waters, while the air has a definite spicy tang to it.
On the deck the chipmunks scurry about among piles of seeds and peanuts, adding to their winter stores. They will not remain above the ground for too much longer.
Red-breasted nuthatches and four or five varieties of woodpeckers visit the feeders, while the red squirrels ‘chirrrrr’ from the tree trunks. My little chickadees converse as happily as always and brighten a morning already bright beyond expectations. All is well. I have mentioned to my little congregation that the Minnesota Twins are IN the playoffs! And have secured home-field advantage! They seem happy about it, but no happier than they already were. All here wish you Good Sabbath…