be as we Intend To Be

HERE AT THE CHURCH O’ THE PINES, we reside in what is in many ways a Zen Forest—where we attempt to see things As They Are, and be as we Intend To Be. In many, many ways, the Forest helps in this way of living.
Lately, amid incessant attacks on our nation and foundational values, it has been difficult to live in balance. To care and speak up against the evils that are happening, while still maintaining a daily connection to all that is good and abiding in life. Chickadees help. Daily. So do pines, and wind in the branches of them. And goose music on the river at sunset.
But I know that I have allowed—in the words of Gandhi—too many people to trample through my mind in their dirty feet. Endlessly. Such marching is not without harm, in terms of incessant anxiety, anger and frustration.
So this morning, my friends the chickadees have reminded me to more regularly attend to my own life and my own woods, to let my mind be still. And to find a better balance. I will continue to care deeply about assaults on our values, about the corruption of our nation and ceaseless attacks on our environment. And I will speak about such things, especially on the Values, Virtues, Vision page.
But here in the Zen Forest, I will also be still. And smile at the fact of being alive. And listen to chickadees and the wind in the pines. I wish every reader success and peace in striving for their own point of balance in these difficult times. Maybe—sometimes—the little Church O’ The Pines in the Zen Forest can be of assistance—a little oasis of tree and soil and birdsong and Things As They Are. Good Sabbath to you…