Bryan As Executive Director of Osprey Wilds Environmental Learning Center
KATHY AND I ARE ALWAYS proud of our two sons. And they do and are many things to make us proud. Today we are feeling extra proud of younger son, Bryan. As Executive Director of Osprey Wilds Environmental Learning Center, he has guided the non-profit Center for most of the past decade. None of the years have been more challenging than the last two. In that time Bryan kept virtually 100% of the staff employed. The Center added a new FARM, to sustainably grow most of the food they use for tens of thousands of meals. They added several hundred more wild acres to the campus. And just yesterday came the official news that Osprey Wilds has concluded arrangements to receive all of the Blacklock Nature Sanctuary’s (Craig and Honey Blacklock) land—564 acres—and cash assets to manage and utilize for environmental education and preservation into the future. In Craig’s words: “This will ensure the long-term health of the land… Thousands of school children from around the state will utilize it over the coming years. We are absolutely thrilled about this!” Additionally included will be another 66 acre parcel on the shore of Little Moose Lake.
In addition!—the Center just concluded a deal with the Minnesota Land Trust to permanently protect 460 acres of campus landscape, including 4,100 feet of lakeshore on Grindstone Lake, while receiving $865,000 in return.
These are a few of the projects Bryan, his board and his team have brought to fruition during one of the most difficult times for non-profits in history. How did he/they do that? I have no idea. A tremendous sense of responsibility, certainly. A good reputation. A sharp eye for government programs and grants that can be helpful, and a sense of always looking for opportunity, even in the toughest of times. In any case, we think it is a marvelous story, and we are proud of Osprey Wilds, and of the fine young man who leads it, our son Bryan Wood.