Church O’ the Pines Old Man River

AT THE CHURCH O THE PINES, it is a fine morning. Old Man River ripples and sparkles. The blue jays—not the most melodious members of the choir—nevertheless are singing their parts with gusto. The deer have been by for their morning snack in Fellowship Hall. And the chickadees, as always, chat and gossip sweetly.
The Keeper of the thermostat has evidently decided to turn things down for a while. For a few days? A week? Five months? We’re not sure. The chapel is cold. The aisles are cold. The pews are cold. The Holy Water in the bird bath has a skim of ice on it. But none of our hardy congregation complains. The deacon pines raise their arms to the sky in praise, welcoming a bright and bonny day. The Church floor is now carpeted red and orange and yellow in maple leaves, which lasted longer this fall than anyone can remember. Meanwhile, our resident bald eagles, whose river-view high rise apartment is only 100 yards from the caretakers’ cabin, have been renovating and remodeling, carrying branches large and small through the forest. It appears they want to be ready when Spring arrives. Which might be awhile.
All here at the Church O The Pines all wish you Good Sabbath!