Church O’ the Pines: Publication!

CHURCH O’ THE PINES: PUBLICATION! Great news, congregation, and friends of the Church O The Pines. Thanks to your wonderful response, we ARE going ahead with the publication of a Church O’ The Pines book! Containing church news, bulletins, and gossip from every month (nearly every week) of the year, this will be an opportunity to stay connected with all our woodland congregation—the doings of Brother Fox and Brother Possum, Sister Cottontail and featured church soloist Sparky the Cardinal, the otherworldly hymns of the wood thrush, the dignity and solemnity of the Deacon Pines, the counseling of Dr. Woodrow F. Stump, and occasional wit and wisdom from the hired Caretaker—me. Mostly, between the covers of this little book will be a safe space of comfort and meditation, a place of forest breezes and wildflowers and anthems played high in the pine boughs. I hope and believe it will be a welcoming home for many who find it difficult to go to church these days.
To aid in the process of publication, and to know how many books we should print, we’ll begin today with pre-orders, with books projected to ship out in approximately one month—just in time for Spring! (If you indicated a certain number of books in an earlier response, please try to place your order for at least that many, as that is the total number on which we have based our financial projections.) Today we will start the process with regular mail orders. Simply send a check or money order to Douglas Wood, P.O. Box 176, Sartell, MN, 56377. Indicate how many “Church” books you are ordering. All will be personally signed by the Church Caretaker. Costs are as follows: Each book—$10.70. S&H for the first book—$7. After that, simply add .75 cents per book.
We will soon also have a digital, on-line ordering process from my website store. But I wanted to share the good news and get started today. Thanks so much. I will watch for your order!
By the way, if you’d like to leave a comment, we might be looking for a word or two for the back cover!