ON TODAY’S Road Scholar adventure

ON TODAY’S Road Scholar adventure we took in Whitewater State Park and its surrounding wetland marshes. What a grand day! Including a highly unusual bird-sighting. In the park, on the Trout Run Creek trail, we found the palm warbler and eastern towhee, our first rose-breasted grosbeaks, and others, while enjoying a woodland carpet of violets, spring beauty, trout lily (yellow and white), cut leaf toothwort (crow’s toes) and false rue anemone. At our picnic site we viewed peregrine falcons on their high nesting cliff and swooping swiftly over our heads. While in the marshes we saw and heard yellow-headed blackbirds, trumpeter swans, Sandhill cranes, wood ducks and blue-winged teal, shovelers and widgeon, coots, yellow-legs, redwings, and—most surprising and interesting of all—an uncommon Minnesota visitor, the glossy ibis. Which took a minute to identify. (The photo here is taken from the internet). We are now at 69 species in our first 2 days. And we saw something else strange and wonderful—sunshine and blue skies! At the end of our day we visited the National Eagle Center in Wabasha. A most excellent day!