Preparing to Leave for a Speaking Tour of China

IT IS A BUSY DAY AT THE CHURCH O’ THE PINES, as one of the caretakers—me—is preparing to leave for a speaking tour of China. This requires much help from the other caretaker—Kathy—as I am not a very Organized Person. The other citizens of the woods and members of the congregation do not seem overly concerned, except for the pair of Great Horned Owls, who began broadcasting at zero-dark-thirty this morning.

The China tour is exciting as I usually don’t roam very far from the North Woods. It is also a bit disconcerting, as I am not used to talking to an audience full of people who don’t understand what I’m saying. But I have very kind and thorough assistance from the Chinese publishing company who invited me and has translated and re-published a number of my books. I will be speaking about how to connect children to Nature, and the importance of childhood experiences in shaping a life that remains close to the natural world. And singing a song or two. And most likely telling some stories.

Some time ago I composed this bookmark, which became a small book. It is entitled ‘How To Be A Writer’ but because I am not a very Organized Person it is mis-titled. It should probably be ‘How To Be A Human Being.’ Anyway, I shall be bringing some along for translation and distribution, as I hope to strike a few resonant chords among friends we haven’t met yet, in the land of the Panda (a shirt-tail relative of some of our Church O’ The Pines congregation.) All here wish you Good Sabbath!

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