A Wild Path is Doug’s follow-up to his acclaimed memoir Deep Woods, Wild Waters. Once more chock-full of adventures, wild rapids and quiet campsites, and deeply human reflections on the glories of nature, the meaning of beauty, and the path of life itself. His most personal book, A Wild Path also explores the scars and difficulties of childhood, the uncertain searching of early years, and how the ‘therapy of wilderness’ brought joy and wonder and an unshakeable sense of belonging.
Note: Official publication date December 5. Now available for pre-order.
Parker J. Palmer Endorsement
There’s a world between these covers—a world of truth, grace, and beauty where gravity keeps your feet on the ground and levity lifts your spirit high. It’s
a world of many dimensions: the challenge of the North Woods and the comfort of Beethoven in the pines, the glories of the night sky and the trustworthy wisdom of elders, the savvy to canoe the wilderness for weeks and the compassion to lift the spirits of children who weep because they are “different,” all laced with the humor that is the spice of life. This world exists because Douglas Wood has the experience and the gifts required to bring it to life, giving his readers a chance to dwell in it for a while and return refreshed, even healed, to their own lives. That’s why I’ve been reading him for twenty years. Doug’s gifts are many, reaching beyond writing and illustrating to speaking, making music, and guiding wilderness expeditions. But what I value most about him is his artistry at being human, fully and simply human. I’ve returned to this book time and again to refresh my own humanity. I’d bet good money that you’ll find yourself doing the same.
Parker J. Palmer (author of “On the Brink of Everything,” “Let Your Life
Speak,” “The Courage to Teach,” and “Healing the Heart of Democracy”)
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