Roof Work at Church O’ the Pines
AT THE CHURCH O’ THE PINES, there is a bit more roof work—moss and pine needle removal—to be done. Up on a roof, near a stone chimney-steeple, there is a wonderful change in perspective. One sees the world with something closer to the eye of the chickadee, the crow, the jay, the hawk. The golden carpet of needles is more visible, as is the Father of Waters—the same cloudy color as the sky. The air is still, but what small breezes there are whisper among the pine needles close-by. The woods is always my favorite place to be, but from the roof-top all is transformed. It is good, for a little while, to see as the bird sees, as the red squirrel sees. And… to gather a bit of lush moss for my bonsai trees.