Spring Cleaning at the Church O’ The Pines

THIS IS A WONDERFUL TIME at the Church O’ The Pines. The old carriage-house garage—home to a motorcycle, lawnmower, snowblower, canoe paddles, and many a picture and memento—has had its Spring Cleaning. The bike is ready at a moment’s notice for any Vital Errand. And today the lilacs, apple blossoms and sand cherries are all scenting the air along Pine Point Lane. Most of our migrating bird friends have returned, and it is good to listen to the wood peewee, wood thrush, catbird, and mourning dove through the carriage-house window as I sit in my grandad’s 100-year-old wicker rocking chair. This morning Kathy spent several happy hours in her emerging gardens, as I finished up last polishing touches on the Church O’ The Pines book. Tonight, like last night, the American toads and tree frogs will tune-up and trill all through the night, with the cabin window open to welcome the music. Spring is beautiful everywhere. I hope you are able to soak it up, wherever your home.