ON THIS APRIL DAY, spring has arrived at the old caretakers’ cabin at the Church O’ The Pines. The canoe was taken out onto Old Man River, there to discover wood ducks and Canada geese and mallards and map turtles. Last night the first full choir of wood frogs and chorus frogs throbbed under the stars, and today the snoring


IT’S BEEN A LITTLE WHILE since we’ve seen the cabin-in-the-woods look like this. With more to come. March might turn out to be our first winter month. Koda-the-forest-kitten is not happy. The congregation of the Church O’ The Pines is cold and hungry, so Fellowship Hall is open for business. We think about all our migrating friends heading back home

A Walk in the Woods

A WALK IN THE WOODS is good for many things, especially this time of year. Eyes and ears and nose and heart, legs and lungs, muscles and sinews. But mostly, it’s good for the soul. And to be able to walk your own woods around your own cabin, a woods you tend and care for, among pines and maples and