AS THE LINGERING FALL gradually eases into winter, Koda the Forest Kitten is at a bit of a loss. It grows dark by 5pm, not 9pm. So curfew has been moved up considerably. And the same cold that has frozen the river also freezes his nose. And his toes. And his tail. And his ears. And although he is an

Our Erstwhile Wild Kitten Koda

Our Erstwhile Wild Kitten Koda

OUR ERSTWHILE WILD KITTEN Koda, who came to us out of the forest one freezing night last March, continues to delight, amaze and entertain us. Black as midnight, confident, curious, playful, he is, Kathy says, an ‘opportunist,’ which she says he learned by surviving in the woods. He is always alert for an opportunity and siezes it unapologetically. He loves