The Blue Sky and The Shining Ice
AT THE CHURCH O THE PINES the trees shiver in the wind off the river, which is now iced in. The wind chimes play their symphony. The birds and squirrels are well-fluffed. And Koda—our inveterate outdoorsman adopted as a kitten-of-the-woods last March; and his older brother, Simon, inveterate indoorsman, while away their time catnapping. Indoors. Even Koda only goes out for a few minutes at a time, then comes and races with his paws on the window, eyes wide, mouth open even wider, begging “Let Me IN!!! What were you THINKING?!!”
But there is a stark beauty at play in the blue sky and the shining ice. And it’s not bad holing up in a warm cabin with a couple of (mostly) well-behaved cats.
Oops. Kathy is yelling. “Koda! Koda, get down from there! Koda! Leave Simon alone! Koda!!!”