The Fab Four Did Not Disappoint

KATHY AND I HAD ONE OF THE MOST FUN AND ENJOYABLE NIGHTS in a long time tonight, as we braved the snowy, windy roads to the State Theater in Minneapolis, to take a ride on a time machine. At least that’s what I told her, and all I told her, in her Christmas ‘gift.’ So tonight off we went with friends Tom and JoyGenea, to hear the best ‘tribute band’ I’ve ever heard. As a bit of a music ‘snob’ with very high standards, I generally frown on such things, but had heard/seen these guys on PBS and was convinced.
The Fab Four did not disappoint. It was as if we were indeed taken back in time through pitch-perfect, spot-on renditions of one Beatles classic after another, all the instruments played live, the vocals performed live, and the appearances, voices, and even mannerisms of the ‘lads from Liverpool’ reproduced to perfection. I was astounded, even better than I expected, and Kathy had a grand time. Almost as though we were back in the Ed Sullivan theater in 1964. With great charisma, fun, and respect for the audience, this group gave us the gift of melting away fifty-some years, and the gift of great music. If anyone gets a chance, I HIGHLY recommend the Fab Four. (You can check them out on YouTube and their website.) Unsolicited endorsement!