The First Copy of My New Children’s Book

WOW! Look what just arrived today. The first copy of my new children’s book, “I Love You Little, I Love You Lots”! Kathy and I—and Scholastic Press—are truly excited about this one. Getting some dandy reviews, including being called ‘an instant classic.’ (School Library Journal). But it’s always exciting, no matter what, when you hold that first book in your hands! For me, this is number 39. Number 40, an adult memoir, is coming next year. But right now, this is our baby. It’s sweet and funny and whimsical, with heartwarming art by Brian Karas. And some pretty good rhymes and sentiments…
I love you big
I love you small
My love for you
Is 12 feet tall
A yard, 2 inches
And 24 miles
A pinch, a heap
And 3 small piles
I love you low
I love you high
My love for you
Could reach the sky
Could lasso the moon
And pull down the stars
Make a necklace of Jupiter
Venus and Mars.
(The main shipment of books is on its way. Pre-orders still being taken at