The Interior Of Our 95 Year-Old Cabin On Fawn Island

SOME FOLKS HAVE WONDERED about the interior of our 95 year-old cabin on Fawn Island. Made from Jack pine logs so long ago, it was in very tough shape when we came along in 1993.
But with Kathy’s love and tender care, hard work and good ideas, it is now and long has been a warm and cozy gathering place for family and friends. In spite of some modest structural renovations and reinforcements, it is still mostly the original, with the old, hand made, rough-hewn furniture supplemented just a bit for comfort. The ancient, straw-filled bed mattresses have been replaced for comfort, too… In fact, in my mind, there is no more comfortable place in the world than the old, ‘roughing it’ cabin on a little island in Rainy Lake… Oh, and there is the outhouse too, of course. Also comfortable.