THERE IS A BATTLE coming which may last for decades, even generations. In fact, the battle is upon us and has already been joined, although many may not fully realize it. It is a contest over values—between those who value money and power and the immediate acquisition of them (and very little else); and those who value more subtle, more nuanced things. Wild things. Gentle things. Fragile things. Things like butterflies, flowers, trees, and children.
In such a contest, it is sometimes difficult to imagine that the side of subtlety and gentleness, beauty and wisdom, might somehow prevail. But we must imagine it. And remind ourselves that, somehow, the cloud eventually wears down the mountain, even as it nourishes the earth. That the water in a stream is, in the end, more powerful than the stones in its path. And that wisdom and love are stronger, more creative and enduring than stupidity and ignorance, selfishness and hate.
I have faith in gentle, fragile things. In truth. In flowers. In trees and streams and children. In the good earth, from which we draw strength. And—in my stronger moments—I have faith in simple faith itself.