Winter Has Returned
HERE AT THE CHURCH O THE PINES winter has returned. Which seems odd and unfair as we never got summer. And only a couple days of spring. But such are the vagaries of Minnesota weather. The geese are not confused, as having discovered an open water lead in the river channel, are flying up and downstream and floating by with gusto. It is very good to hear their music. The eagles are sitting on eggs! And we watch their comings and goings with great interest.
We also hear the robin of an evening these days, cheerio-ing from Gray Fox Hollow. We eagerly await the return of the wood thrush and its heavenly songs, and all our migrating friends.
It will very soon be the time when our church roll swells with old friends not seen or heard for 6 months. Much singing gossiping and catching up to do, in between mating and nest building and household chores. It is among the best of times at the Church, and we look forward to it. If it ever comes!!!!
Good Sabbath to you.