‘Wisdom of Nature’ Series

I AM SO PLEASED to see the first of over a dozen new book projects beginning to come to fruition with my Chinese publishing house, King-in. What I have called my ‘Wisdom of Nature’ series—a collection of six small books with brief aphoristic texts and original pen-and-ink drawings, is being produced as a lovely boxed set in China. They are calling it ‘Nature’s Prescriptions.’ Here you see, from left, the box cover, then Find True North; Breathe the Wind, Drink the Rain; The Thing With Feathers; Things Trees Know; Prescriptions From the Dock; and How Does Your Garden Grow. I feel happy that we are able to proceed in beautiful, creative ways at this time, across an ocean and across political and cultural cross-currents. The world of nature should, and often does, bring peace, appreciation and reconciliation. I am proud of my relationship with my Chinese friends, and grateful for their good work.