Wit and Wisdom from Joyce Wood
IT IS A GOOD DAY FOR MORE WIT AND WISDOM FROM THE PIANO STUDIO OF MY MOTHER, Joyce Wood. It is a good day because this past weekend Kathy (who now teaches on Joyce’s Steinway in the Log Cabin Studio) had 10 students entered in the annual National Federation of Music Clubs festival/contest. ALL TEN received top, ‘superior’ ratings. A big accomplishment! They were very excited, and their teacher very proud. (In this photo she is seen with granddaughter Sofie, not quite ready to begin lessons yet. But someday!) So now, more wit and wisdom from Joyce’s students:
Joyce: I was talking to a little boy about tempos, and asked him what ‘Moderato’ meant. He thought for a moment, then triumphantly answered, “Mediocre!”
Dominic, talking about ‘Mary Had A Little Lamb’ said, “I just love this piece!” Me—“Why?” — Dominic—“Because I’m so good at it!”
Amy was playing a very sensitive piece for me, and I stopped and talked with great intensity for a few minutes about shaping each phrase just so, and about how dynamics were so important; and all the time she was regarding me with a very alert expression. I thought I had really gotten through to her and made a great connection. When I stopped talking, she said, “Do you know your dog is out?”