Woodland Church send you the very warmest of Thanksgiving wishes

ALL THE CONGREGATION at our humble Church O’The Pines send you warmest wishes for a happy and blessed Thanksgiving. The Three Crows send them. And the Seven Deer. The acrobat squirrels, both red and gray, leaping from limb to limb. The nuthatches send their good wishes, as do the sartorially splendid blue jays. The chickadees, of course, in their sweetest voices. The quiet opossum, and the eagles, still hanging ‘round their nesting tree as ice begins to cover the river. The gabbling geese, who were here by the hundreds just two days ago on the remaining open leads. The pileated woodpeckers send brightness and cheer, in the form of uproarious laughter and swooping flights among the boles of the big trees. Sparky the Cardinal, too, flaunting his red among the subdued browns of the autumn forest. And the great Deacon Pines themselves, with dignity and grace, emanate nothing but good tidings to all with eyes to see and ears to hear.
All at the Woodland Church send you the very warmest of Thanksgiving wishes. Be safe in your travels, warm in your homes, joyful and nourished by the blessings of family and fond memories, and glad for the rising of the sun. We wish you a beautiful day.