Enjoyment in the Game of Life
IT IS SUNDAY AT the Church O The Pines. And the piney woods look like a snow globe and the chickadees and squirrels dash back and forth among the falling flakes, and eagles sit on their eggs in a tree-top—as persistent rumors of spring remain in the air. But in the old cabin a new game has been discovered by Koda-The-Forest-Kitten, who has great reserves of energy that must be deployed in ways other than bounding through snowdrifts. The game is known to countless dogs and dog owners as ‘fetch,’ but is less frequently practiced by cats. Yet Koda has discovered that a wadded-up ball of paper can be endlessly entertaining and, if returned to Mom or Dad, can then be thrown again to extend the game. The paper is also ‘rustly’ and light, and perfect for batting around the house or carrying in teeth. And humans appreciate that many balls of paper can be easily created for a fraction of the cost of a cat ‘toy.’ So all in the cabin are happy.
The best variation on the game? Go to the top of the split log staircase. Have Dad bounce the paper down the stairs. Chase it. Knock it around for a while, and then carry it back up. Although a paper wad placed on the Newell post and requiring immediate removal is a close second. Meanwhile the poor post will require some sanding and TLC when spring finally arrives.
From the Log Cabin at the Church O The Pines we wish you a very good sabbath, and much enjoyment in the game of Life.