A Wild Path Upcoming Release

HI EVERYONE: I am growing more and more excited about the upcoming release of my new book, ‘A Wild Path.’ One of the most gratifying things is to see the very generous words of praise it continues to receive. Last week I shared the thoughts of esteemed author Parker J. Palmer. Below are a few more. Meanwhile, so many of you have commented on the beautiful cover, and I promised more info. This is an original painting by Minnesota artist Emily Anderson. I specifically requested her art for the cover, and this path through a birch forest perfectly sets the mood. You can learn more about Emily by simply googling Emily Anderson Artwork.
As for the book, official release date is December 5. But you can pre-order now, from online sources and local independent bookstores, and many folks are pre-ordering autographed copies from my webstore: https://douglaswood.com/product/pre-order-a-wild-path/. Meanwhile here are some more kind words about the book:
“This is a great book. Through its stories Douglas Wood helps us to perceive worlds within and beyond the surfaces of Earth—and there, ‘in the company of trees,’ as he puts it, to discover health and hope.”——Richard Louv, author of ‘Last Child In The Woods’ and ‘Our Wild Calling’.
“A Wild Path is as good as it gets for capturing the essence of the wilderness experience and inspiring us all to explore our own pathways into the wild.”——Stuart Osthoff, Publisher, The Boundary Waters Journal.
“In his compelling collection of essays, Douglas Wood provides an intimate and revealing portrait of his relationship with nature. In a lifetime spent close to the natural world, he found the therapy of wilderness—what he calls the ‘psychology of green things’ and the ‘counseling of rocks.’ He was rescued through the process of loving—and learning to share his love of—wild places and wild things. His love of wild nature is expressed in every page and essay.”——Chris Knopf, Executive Director, Friends of the Boundary Waters Wilderness.