First Days At Fawn Island 2017
White throated sparrows singing their pure, high flute notes. Loons calling. A chorus of frogs…. First night of the season on Fawn Island.
White throated sparrows singing their pure, high flute notes. Loons calling. A chorus of frogs…. First night of the season on Fawn Island.
This afternoon, a small adventure here at the Pine Point Woods, the kind that often happens in the Spring. I found a baby Great Horned Owl on the ground, a refugee from a nest high above. Far too young to care for himself. Mama Owl was calling and flying from tree to tree nearby. After a call to my good
Last week I finished restoration on my old friend the Bluebird, my blue Old Town Columbia canoe. This week was the turn of my even older friend, the Pistachio Princess, pal and partner through so many of my guiding years. She’s a Mad River, mist-green, wood -trimmed Explorer, sturdy and strong and an all around beauty – featured in my