Day Trip to Ellsworth Rock Gardens
YESTERDAY KATHY AND I TOOK A VOYAGEUR PARK DAY TRIP to the fabulous Ellsworth Rock Gardens, the Stonehenge of Kabetogama.
YESTERDAY KATHY AND I TOOK A VOYAGEUR PARK DAY TRIP to the fabulous Ellsworth Rock Gardens, the Stonehenge of Kabetogama.
ABOUT 1.1 BILLION YEARS AGO NORTH AMERICA TRIED TO SPLIT IN TWO. The split failed but left behind a great rift or chasm of boiling igneous rock, which extruded to the surface.
AT THE DRAGON PAVILION IN KAIFENG, site of an astonishing temple from the Qing Empire, I had the chance to make the acquaintance of this beautiful young lady, holding tight to her cotton candy. My brother Bruce, who accompanied me for the entire trip, is seen with me at the the base of the temple, similar in scope to ancient
FRIENDS: I have taken a couple days since my return from China to process and absorb the extraordinary things I saw and experienced and the wonderful people I met. That’s going to take awhile. I will be returning for more trips in the future,
ENTRANCE TO THE GOLD MINE ON RAINY LAKE’S BUSHYHEAD ISLAND. Active 125 years ago in the days of the Rainy Lake Gold Rush, and boomtown Rainy Lake City, now completely vanished. Yes, gold was found here, but never in sufficient quantities to make anybody rich.
FOUND THIS OLD TURTLE ON MN HIGHWAY 23 near Oak Park. A Snapper about 15” long, she was flipped on her back on the asphalt, spinning around with the wind blasts of every car and truck that passed over her—none of whom stopped or slowed down. Managed—with her enthusiastic opposition—to move her to safety in the marshy ditch. Aside from
THIS LITTLE FELLOW trills and squeaks and scolds every time I go in or out of the Fawn Island Cabin, all but announcing his intentions of breaking and entering and homesteading this fall/winter once we depart. If so we will return to find a mess in the spring and little Sciurus Hudsonicus and I shall have a problem. But thus
HERE AT PINE POINT ON THE MIGHTY MISSISSIPPI, the river is less mighty than usual, as the draw-down continues. Implemented to cleanse the riverbed, and primarily the Little Rock Lake flowage, of pollutants and nutrients that have built up for decades due to farm and septic run-off, it is an exercise in letting the river be a river once more.
LITTLE GIRLS FROM AN EASTERN CITY TRAVEL FAR to visit their Minnesota cousins. They disappear beneath a waterfall and emerge, sundresses drenched, on the other side. It is a moment, one imagines, they will long remember…
IN EVERY JOURNEY, we encounter broad horizons and winding narrows; calm waters and challenging rapids; blue skies and fierce storms. All are navigable, it seems, with care and skill and a traveler’s mindfulness.