Intimations and Murmurations

AT THE CHURCH O’THE PINES THIS WEEK, there have been stirrings among the congregation. Intimations and murmurations. There have been rumblings. No one knows for certain the reason for this disquiet.

Bonsai of the Day: Juniper

BONSAI TREES SYMBOLIZE A NUMBER OF GOOD THINGS… Peace, harmony, balance, simplicity, an order of thoughts, and all that is good in nature.

Wilderness Expeditions of the Past

IT’S LATE FEBRUARY, Groundhogs Day and Valentine’s are in the rearview mirror, the sun is getting high and the days are getting longer. So naturally, a young man’s fancy turns to thoughts of…canoes! Wilderness expeditions of the past and new adventures planned for the coming summer. The Mississippi along the front yard is still ice-covered, but it won’t be long

Gospel of Rocks

SOMETIMES, WHEN LIFE IS DIFFICULT OR TIMES ARE VERY CHALLENGING, or the wind seems steadily against you, perspective is a helpful thing.

Things Trees Know

SOMETIMES, IN A TIME OF TRAGEDY OR ANGUISH—personal or familial or national—the most that one can accomplish is to carry on, to persevere, to endure.

Wood’s Lore

Hi Everybody! I have so many wonderful Facebook friends and followers, and I enjoy staying in touch with you all. So I have been thinking about another way to do so.

North Woods Trip

ABOUT 1.1 BILLION YEARS AGO NORTH AMERICA TRIED TO SPLIT IN TWO. The split failed but left behind a great rift or chasm of boiling igneous rock, which extruded to the surface.

Groundhog Day

IT IS A FINE AND EXCELLENT MORNING AT THE CHURCH O’ THE PINES. The sun comes up over the edge of the earth as it has every morning for about 4.5 billion years.

Welcoming an Infrequent Church Member

TODAY THE CHURCH O’ THE PINES IS ONCE AGAIN GRAY and overcast. But temperatures are mild and welcoming out in the church aisles among the pines. And the congregation is active.