A Trail Verged with Ferns

ON A LOVELY MAY DAY, it is a pleasure to wander a trail verged with ferns. Here at the Church O The Pines we walk among the graceful, arched Ostrich Ferns, delicate Lady Ferns, sweet Sensitive Ferns and the modest Wood Fern. Along the way, it is good to kneel down for a peek at Jack-in-the-Pulpit as well. It has

The Snowflakes Fly and the March Winds Howl

THIS MORNING at the Church o’ The Pines, the snowflakes fly and the March winds howl (yeah, I know it’s almost May) and the woodland denizens and congregation must once gain fend for themselves. With help from Caretaker Kathy. I am off to southeast Minnesota—the ‘driftless area’—to guide Road Scholars as we search for spring migrators and ephemeral blossoms. We

So Cold Yet So Warm Christmas Day

Christmas Tree

AT THE CHURCH O’THE PINES on this Christmas Day it was cold. Below zero as it has been for 147 days and nights without relief. But in the old cabin, near the Christmas tree, it was warm, as Grandma Kathy served up a lovely feast including traditional favorites, perogees and ham and both strawberry and chocolate trifle. Our outdoor congregation