Time of year for garage cleaning
IT IS THE TIME of year for garage cleaning. Actually it’s past that time of year but this is when I’m doing it. Getting things ready for winter. One of the things I do is make sure my bonsais are ready to survive and thrive through the cold months. When I post pictures in the summer, many have asked about winter care. So here it is: Unheated garage, old carriage-house style, built in the 1930’s along with the log cabin. In the garage a little plastic ‘greenhouse,’ with a space heater set just above freezing. The little trees watered much less frequently than in the warm months, as they now go dormant and sleep. And in the spring, back outdoors. I love to come into the garage in the winter, to see a bit of living greenery and say hi to my friends, maybe even bend down and catch a whiff of damp soil, moss, and juniper. It’s a good place.