The Great Walleye of Lake Kabetogama

Lake Kabetogama

THIS FISH WAS CAUGHT AFTER A TREMENDOUS BATTLE. It breathed fire and belched smoke, covering the entire northwest end of Lake Kabetogama in a dense haze. It towed our boat from Tom Cod Bay to Sugarbush Island. In the Grassy Islands, the water steamed and boiled up onto the rocks. The paint was peeled from the boat sides. The iPhones

Beautiful Summer Morning

IT IS A BEAUTIFUL SUMMER MORNING at the Church O’ The Pines. Things are blooming in Kathy’s Gardens. All kinds of things. I don’t know all of their names because I specialize more in the flowers of field and forest. But I know a bunch of them are lilies–all kinds and colors. The hummingbirds are busy, and although we enjoy

Swinging The Coffee

THIS TIME OF YEAR–MID TO LATE SUMMER, is the season when many folks find their thoughts turning to campsites, campfires, and canoe trips, the calling of loons, the easy comfort of the trail. As an old canoe guide, I find my paddling muscles getting itchy, and as the memories come flooding back, I recall many great trips, from the Fond

Dastardly Duck

THE CARETAKERS RETURNED TO THE CHURCH O’THE PINES at about 2AM last night. This morning we awaken to a rainy day under the pines. But the congregation—particularly the saucy blue jays—seem in good spirits and glad to have us back. Our week at Fawn Island with family was great, and we are missing all of it—including good-morning and good-night hugs

Kathy’s Gardens

ONE OF THE WONDERFUL FEATURES of life at Pine Point Cabin is Kathy’s gardens. Hostas, geraniums, bleeding hearts, petunias, pansies, roses—the list is long. Even longer is the roll call of wildflowers in the woods. And sometimes there is a cross-over. Ostrich ferns and wild ginger have found their way into the “tame” gardens. Then there is this one: Michigan

Unique and Marvelous Place

Unique and Marvelous Place

THE CHURCH O THE PINES AT PINE POINT is a unique and marvelous place. And it has a history. We were hired as Caretakers by the local squirrels and bluejays 25 years ago, and have done our best to abide by and nurture the spirit of the place since then. On our arrival we did some research and learned that

Azaleas in Bloom

AT THE PINE POINT CARETAKERS’ CABIN AT THE CHURCH O THE PINES, the azaleas are in bloom. The kiwi vine is threatening to engulf the north wall. The ferns are 43 feet tall. The hummingbirds are happily humming, the wood thrush is singing his heart out, and the great crested Flycatcher is proclaiming pre-eminence over all the top of the

Weather Has Changed

Weather Has Changed

AT THE CHURCH O’ THE PINES the weather has changed. After returning from south Florida and its heat on Friday, we found good old Minnesota warm summer weather. Perfect for a Saturday motorcycle ride. Today we have clouds and overcast and a very cool day, having apparently missed any serious storms overnight. One notices how similar the weather of the

Grand Season

Grand Season

IT IS A GRAND SEASON AT THE CHURCH O THE PINES. As the song says, June is bustin’ out all over. The ferns are nearing chest high. The lilacs and honeysuckle are in blossom. The air smells even sweeter than usual. Our congregation is all here, the pews are full. We have a good congregation—well-intentioned and well-behaved—mostly. Of course, the

Choir Rehearsal

Choir Rehearsal

HERE AT THE CHURCH O’ THE PINES it is a rainy Wednesday, which is, of course, Church Choir rehearsal day. And the choir is in fine form. The ethereal Wood Thrush is playing the Pipes of Pan from deep in his green loft. The song echoes and trills and fills the woods with an otherworldly music. Even Sparky the Cardinal,