Walk in the Woods

A walk in the October woods is good for many things; but most of all it is good for the soul. With my eye troubles I have missed many of the peak colors this fall, but this local woods still looks absolutely beautiful to me. More beautiful than ever, perhaps. And it smells beautiful. And it sounds beautiful. And it

Broad Horizons…

IN EVERY JOURNEY, we encounter broad horizons and winding narrows; calm waters and challenging rapids; blue skies and fierce storms. All are navigable, it seems, with care and skill and a traveler’s mindfulness.

The Meaning of Wilderness

Radio Interviewer: “So, Douglas Wood–Author of Old Turtle–Welcome. Let me ask you a question. Reading your book, you seem to be an environmentalist; what we might call an environmental extremist. Out West here, we have a lot of land that’s been locked up in “wilderness areas” by federal government land-grabs. Can you tell me why these areas can’t be open

Wind Poem

On a late afternoon walk on our frozen Mississippi, I came upon this lovely piece of artwork, untouched by human hands. Posted on Facebook, it got many interpretations. Some called it a God doodle. Some a snowy spider web; a snow dusted ball of twine; a frozen dream catcher; a dance of the windswept twigs. My favorite? Simply a “wind

Countess Stories… article by St. Paul Pioneer Press

A beautifully crafted, in depth article in today’s St. Paul Pioneer Press, on my new books and on this interesting journey of a life. Written by long time book reviewer and Minnesota treasure, Mary Ann Grossman. It is very humbling to have so many nice things said. I am so grateful for the interest and the coverage.   READ THE

Baby Owl Found

This afternoon, a small adventure here at the Pine Point Woods, the kind that often happens in the Spring. I found a baby Great Horned Owl on the ground, a refugee from a nest high above. Far too young to care for himself. Mama Owl was calling and flying from tree to tree nearby. After a call to my good

Old Cabin in the Pines

The old cabin at the Church In The Pines as we call it, has seen many winters, and has an interesting congregation. Red and gray squirrels leap from the rafters, pileated and red bellied woodpeckers laugh at inappropriate moments during the sermon; cardinals and bluejays, chickadees and nuthatches sing in the church choir. Crows sit in the back pews and

Christmas Wishes 2016

Christmas Wishes 2016 Approximately 2017 years ago an infant was born to an unwed, teen-aged mother, delivered into poverty in a troubled corner of the world. About 33 years later he died, put to death by the clergy and politicians of his day. Some said the infant was holy, others said the man became holy through prayer and selflessness, through

An Old Log

A gray and darkening day. A rising wind. A last few skeins of geese arrowing down the great river. I take a break from working in the woods to sit on a favorite log, in a special place called Galleons Lap, named in honor of my old friend, Winnie-the-Pooh. Pines toss their heads in the wind–moaning, sighing, whispering, “Winter. Winter’s

Squirrels Spiral

The afternoon sun gilds the trunks of red pines with gold as they await the coming of the first winter storm. Squirrels spiral up and down, tails flying. All is bustle and commotion among all the forest creatures prepare for what they sense is coming.