Spring and Sun and Green Things Are Not So Far Away

HERE AT THE CHURCH O THE PINES IT IS A QUIET DAY, as are most. The residents and congregation are mostly untroubled by the tweets of destructive idiots, comforted instead by the tweets of birds. Nuthatches ‘yank.’ Chickadees ‘chick.’ The cardinals ‘chip.’ Occasionally the Bluejays let fly with a slightly louder commentary. But on the whole it is a quiet


LAST YEAR ON CHRISTMAS EVE, AND THE YEAR BEFORE, I POSTED A SHORT ESSAY ON THE MEANINGS OF A LONG-AGO NIGHT. I’ve been asked to share it again… Approximately 2020 years ago an infant was born (skeptics who doubt that he ever really existed advance a weak case, with more faith in skepticism itself than in evidence) likely in a

Frosty Day In The Pines

IT IS A COLD AND FROSTY DAY at the Church O’ The Pines. The North Wind, Kiwedin, has swept many of the branches clean, but the forest still sparkles and gleams. Old Man River is nearly frozen over, though a few Canadian geese still gabble downstream by the island. Below zero temps tonight will probably cover the last of it.

Time to Snow-Blow The Church In The Pines

IT APPEARS THAT AS WE WERE EATING TURKEY, a bit of snow fell on the Church O’ The Pines. It also appears that the Caretaker will be snow-blowing today. The tall deacon pines looked fabulous in their white robes a couple days ago, but even as more snow has fallen, the wind has blown much off the limbs. I assume

be as we Intend To Be

HERE AT THE CHURCH O’ THE PINES, we reside in what is in many ways a Zen Forest—where we attempt to see things As They Are, and be as we Intend To Be. In many, many ways, the Forest helps in this way of living. Lately, amid incessant attacks on our nation and foundational values, it has been difficult to

China Trip 2019 Review #4- Church in the Pines – reflections of China Visit

AT THE CHURCH O’ THE PINES THIS MORNING, we defer to my recent trip to China, and to an extraordinary visit to another sort of church—the legendary Shaolin Temple over the Yellow River in the mountains near Zhengzhou. Made famous by Hollywood and the David Carradine Kung Fu series, this home of Chinese Ch’an Buddhism (precursor of Zen) dates back

Preparing to Leave for a Speaking Tour of China

IT IS A BUSY DAY AT THE CHURCH O’ THE PINES, as one of the caretakers—me—is preparing to leave for a speaking tour of China. This requires much help from the other caretaker—Kathy—as I am not a very Organized Person.

Who Remain Steadfastly Bright-Eyed

HERE AT THE GRAND ESTATE FONDLY KNOWN AS THE CHURCH O’ THE PINES, home to Old Turtle and other literary figures, it is a misty, moisty Sunday. The temperature has swung wildly between about 48 and 52 degrees, the sky varying between gray and very gray.

The Father of Waters is Gone

HERE AT THE CHURCH O’ THE PINES, the Father of Waters is gone. It is hidden by a morning fog of Sherlockian dimensions. The river, gone. The far shore, gone. The silhouetted pines stand and lean against a soft, gray wall, as pictures in an art gallery. From far away, the highway sounds moan and grumble, but softly, most of

Beautiful Summer Morning

IT IS A BEAUTIFUL SUMMER MORNING at the Church O’ The Pines. Things are blooming in Kathy’s Gardens. All kinds of things. I don’t know all of their names because I specialize more in the flowers of field and forest. But I know a bunch of them are lilies–all kinds and colors. The hummingbirds are busy, and although we enjoy