‘ONCE, IN A BEAUTIFUL, FAR AWAY LAND, that was, somehow, not so very far… A land where every stone was a teacher and every breeze a language, where every lake was a mirror and every tree a ladder to the stars…’ (From Old Turtle and the Broken Truth) We are born into this land, into such a world. But oftentimes,

THERE SHOULD BE at least a room

‘THERE SHOULD BE at least a room, or some corner where no one will find you and disturb you and notice you. You should be able to untether yourself from the world and set yourself free, losing all the fine strings and strands of tension that bind you, by sight, by sound, by thought, to the presence of others.’ Thomas


HOPE is the thing with feathers—Emily Dickinson. Every year, a bird rebuilds its nest, ruined by the winds of winter. Every year it travels hundreds, if not thousands of miles, to do so. Every year it raises a brand new family. Every morning it rises to sing the songs of sunrise. Every day it lives its life as best it

WALKING ALONG the stream at dawn

WALKING ALONG the stream at dawn, I notice the spider webs—exquisite webs, hundreds of them, every stunted jack pine or ground juniper gilded with a necklace, each necklace hung with lucent pearls of dew. And, whispering in the first breeze, an old question of the night: What of MY webs? What are my choices, my chances; how much effort should

MY Great Aunt Mary

THIS IS MY Great Aunt Mary. Although I only ever knew her as ‘Aunt Mary.’ When she was only 17, my dad Jim and his brother Dick—due to a family trauma—came to live with her and their grandparents on the farm near Douglas, Minnesota. Grandpa Frank died not long after, and Aunt Mary became, in effect, their mother. With everything

THEY COME unexpectedly

THEY COME unexpectedly, unbidden. At night, perhaps. The doubts, the fears, the anxieties and sadness that are a part of living. But they are not all of it, not by a long shot. We are still called to enjoy the present moment. A sunset. A sunrise. The sound of beautiful music. The smell of a rose. The laughter of a


IN THE FOREST, some things glow. Even on a cloudy, drizzly evening, half an hour before dark, they glow. Not so much from the sunlight, of which there is little, but somehow from within. A red maple Kathy and I planted twenty years ago. A redbud tree like the one my grandad and I planted and watered so faithfully, one

‘A Wild Path,’ has been honored

I’M SO VERY PLEASED to share the news that my memoir, ‘A Wild Path,’ has been honored as a ‘notable book’ by the Sigurd F. Olson Nature Writing Awards. As you may know, Sig Olson was my author-hero as a young man, a true mentor, and to be included on this very short list of fine books—and those of past


OF ALL THE TEACHERS I have known, I have found none greater than trees. So many teachers and teachings have enriched my life that I wrote a book about them, accompanied by drawings of favorite scenes. A few of the things trees can teach us: Reach for the light. Grow from the bottom up, and from the inside out. Be


I’VE LEARNED THIS LITTLE LESSON before, and I will probably relearn it many times again. You never know when you write a book, when you share some words and thoughts and feelings, where they will go or who they may touch. Even a humble, silly little book. When I received an email from France, from old friend Doug Cushman—artist and