THE GREAT MUCKY MUCK was down on his luck Besides just being a jerk and a schmuck Besides wearing a poor deceased cat on his head Besides being stupid and mostly brain-dead No, these were all problems of fairly long standing, Part of his schtick and part of his branding, Part of what made him so doggoned adorable To all


THE GREAT MUCKY MUCK was circling the drain, How could this happen with his Great Genius Brain? How could this be, how COULD he be caught? This just should not happen, it should not, Not, NOT, NOT!!! More charges, indictments, indictments, more charges, Like a river jammed up with barges and barges Filled with Grand Juries and lawyers and judges,

Old Turtle

“NOW, MY CHILDREN,” said Old Turtle, her voice as gentle as the breeze among the blossoms, “there is one more question you have not asked, perhaps the most important one of all. It is a question asked by every dawn—a question of the rising sun and of the light that fills the world. It is whispered by the first morning

My Childhood Hero

AS SPRING BEGINS TO STIR here in the North, as snow melts and streams awaken, as we anticipate blooming wildflowers and budding trees, my thoughts often turn to my childhood hero, my grandad. I remember walks taken and lessons learned. And I recall simple, private times spent together. Of all the 39 books I’ve written, perhaps my favorite is ‘Grandad’s

Stop to Ponder

Deep Woods, Wild Waters

SOMETIMES WE STOP TO PONDER why we do the things we do. For many years I have led folks on journeys into wild country. In the form of ‘Road Scholar’ trips, I still do. From my book, ‘Deep Woods, Wild Waters,’ here’s why. The essay is called, “Hello To Life.” I stood in the great, billowing mists of a tremendous

The Old Turtle

The Old Turtle

IT WAS 30 YEARS AGO that a first-time author (me) with a small, regional publisher that had never published a children’s book, and an artist who had never illustrated a book, began to make a mark. OLD TURTLE went on to sell over 1.5 million copies, to be translated and published into other languages, and to win many awards—including the

The World is Full of Secrets

The World is Full of Secrets

ON THANKSGIVING, I often share this book, published eighteen years ago and never out of hardcover print. With wonderful art by Greg Shed and a message that spoke—and speaks—directly from my heart, I am so happy to share it once more. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. In part… The world is full of secrets. Gentle, shy things that some people know and

Thinking About Love

Let There Be Love

TONIGHT I AM THINKING ABOUT LOVE. Over the last half-dozen years, it seemed a tidal wave of acrimony, dishonesty, and cruelty swept over this country. For those of us of a certain delicate disposition—sometimes called ‘snowflakes,’ we discovered—it became necessary to sometimes be fierce. To be strong. To protect or defend the people, ideals, creatures and places and institutions we

The First Copy of My New Children’s Book

The first copy of my new children’s book

WOW! Look what just arrived today. The first copy of my new children’s book, “I Love You Little, I Love You Lots”! Kathy and I—and Scholastic Press—are truly excited about this one. Getting some dandy reviews, including being called ‘an instant classic.’ (School Library Journal). But it’s always exciting, no matter what, when you hold that first book in your

My Newest Children’s Book

My Newest Children's Book

JUST FOR FUN, I THOUGHT I’D SHARE THE TEXT for my newest children’s book, ‘I Love You Little, I Love You Lots.’ It was a LOT of fun to write! Of course, it’s much more fun with the wonderful, warm, and whimsical pictures by Brian Karas… I think it’s really sweet, and of course, dedicated to my grandchildren. But I